Monday, December 24, 2018

HOMILY Fourth Sunday of Advent Cycle C December 23, 2018

Merry Christmas!   Ready or not Christmas is here. 
          Why do we spend so much time, energy and money on the celebration of Christmas each year?   Well, there are different answers.  For some it is a social thing.  Others it is primarily about family.  Some observe it as a warm, fuzzy feeling of good will to others.  Nothing wrong with any of that.
          But for us Christians there is an additional, and primary, reason for celebrating.  We remember and give thanks for the wonderful gift of God born in the flesh.  God’s gift to us of a Savior, to save us from a pointless and unhappy and meaningless existence of sin, and to save us for a life of peace and joy in harmony with God’s Will for us, and an infinite eternity of union with God as our beloved.  That is what Christmas is all about.
          In our short passage from the Letter to the Hebrews which is our second reading today, the author twice quotes the line from Psalm 40, “I come to do your will..”  That is the attitude of Jesus.  The operative word in this quote is the short word, “DO”.  I come to do you will, O God.    Doing is what is important.
          Doing is more important than feeling.  Doing is more important than belonging to the right religion.  Doing is more important than believing the right doctrines.  Doing is more important than following the right beliefs.  Doing is more important than your citizenship, your race, your university degree, your income, or the version of your cell phone. 
          The attitude of Jesus is “I come to do your will, O God.”
          This is what Jesus teaches us in St. Matthew’s Gospel, chapter 25.  In the image Jesus gives us of the final judgement, where Jesus separates people as a shepherd separates sheep from goats, the criterion of judgement is what you did or failed to do.  I was hungry and you fed me, a stranger and you welcomed me, sick and you visited me, or not.   The judgement is all about what you did or did not do.   DO.
          To truly celebrate the Feast of Christmas, at its deepest and most meaningful level, it does not matter if you got the house decorated, or the lights up, or how many parties you get invited to, or if you receive the present you really want. 
          What does matter is what you do.  How you care for others.  How you follow the example of Jesus.  That is what matters. 
          The very best way to celebrate the birth of the Christ child is to do what Jesus did.  Follow God’s Will in action.  “Behold, I come to do your Will, O God.”  That will make for the most meaningful, and most joyous, Christmas of all.
          Merry Christmas! 

Monday, December 17, 2018

HOMILY Third Sunday of Advent December 16, 2018

          One can make a pretty convincing case that the world is going to hell.  The government scientists recently issued a report on the climate, and it is bad.  Scientists are getting more and more dramatic in their speech and frantic in their calls for reform as evidence continues to mount of faster and faster climate change.  What kind of world are we leaving to the next generation?
          In world politics it is a mess:  Brexit fights in Britain, riots in France, right wing strongmen in the Philippines, Brazil, Hungary and Poland, endless wars in Afghanistan and in Syria, a truly tragic human disaster in Yemen.  Increasing authoritarianism in Russia and China. 
          In our own country the government is badly divided, and the president threatens a shut down of the government.  Every day is a new revelation and scandal.
          The economy is shaky.  A trade war with China.  A stock market all over the place.  Fears of recession and inflation.  A frontpage article in today’s New York Times states: “For the first time in decades, every major type of investment has fared poorly, as the outlook for economic growth and corporate profits is dampened by rising trade tensions and interest rates.”
          And in the Church?  Cover ups by bishops, more names of credibly accused priests and bishops being released, divisions of Catholics into camps, criticism of the Pope, and people leaving the church, especially the young. 
          As I said, one can make a pretty convincing case that the world is going to hell. 
          And so how are we to react?  What are we to think?  What should we do?  The normal reactions don’t apply.  Everything is up for grabs. 
          What should we do?”  That is the question the people put to John the Baptist in our Gospel today.  Their world was coming apart at the seams as well:  an oppressed people, conquered by Rome, their own priests collaborators with the enemy, everything was not what it was supposed to be, and they too felt overwhelmed, lost, disoriented.
          So, in the Gospel crowds come to John the Baptist and ask, “What should we do?”   Perhaps you are wondering the same thing. 

I LOVE John’s answer:  “Whoever has two cloaks should share with the person who has none.  And whoever has food should do likewise.”  In other words, take care of one another.  John does not tell them something outrageous or extraordinary or wild.  John was a wild and crazy guy, living in the desert, dressed in camel’s hair, and eating locusts and wild honey.  You expect him to say something wild and revolutionary.   But his response is very simple and pretty basic.  “Whoever has two cloaks should share with the person who has none.  And whoever has food should do likewise.” 
          If you feel overwhelmed by what is going on in the world today, take a deep breath, and then listen to John the Baptist.  “Whoever has two cloaks should share with the person who has none.  And whoever has food should do likewise.” 
          With caring for one another comes joy.  Ask anyone who worked on the St. Vincent de Paul Christmas Basket project this past week, or anyone who helps in our Thursday Outreach program. 
          In our second reading St. Paul urges us: “Rejoice in the Lord always.  I shall say it again: rejoice!  Your kindness should be known to all.”  Rejoicing goes with kindness, with caring for each other. 
          We can care for each other because God cares for us.  As we sang in the Psalm today: “God indeed is my savior, I am confident and unafraid.”   Confident and unafraid.  That is a wonderful witness in today’s world. 
We should be confident and unafraid.  God is indeed our savior. 
          There is a wonderful image of God in our first reading from the Prophet Zephaniah:  “The Lord, your God, is in your midst, a mighty savior; he will rejoice over you with gladness, and renew you in his love, he will sing joyfully because of you….”
          That is quite an image, of God singing joyfully because of you.   Have you ever been so head over heals in love that you sang joyfully because of your beloved??
          Can you imagine God singing joyfully because of you?  And yet the prophet tells us this is so. 
          Fr Rich sings beautifully.  I sing loudly.  But God sings joyfully because of you.  Oh my!
          My sisters and brothers, the readings today remind us not to let ourselves be overwhelmed, depressed and paralyzed by the many real and terrible evils in our world.  We must do our part, but it is as simple and straightforward as John the Baptists’ teaching:  care for each other. 
That is how we will get through this.  AMEN. 

Wednesday, December 12, 2018


Happy Thanksgiving!        I’d like to look at the setting of today’s Gospel.
          Jesus is continuing His journey to Jerusalem.  ¿What’s going to happen when He gets there, in Jerusalem?  ….  Not good.
          The Gospel states: “He traveled through Samaria and Galilee…”  Samaria was Samaritan territory and Galilee Jewish territory.  Jews and Samaritans were enemies.  Samaritans were descendants of the ten northern tribes of Israel that broke away after King Solomon, formed their own country, and with it their own worship.  There was a bitter civil war.  Jews worshiped in Jerusalem, the Samaritans on Mt. Gerazim, and they looked on each other as heretics.
          So Jesus is in a border area, a border between two opponents.  It would be like travelling today through Gaza and Israel, or Texas and Northern Mexico.  Lots of tension, lots of armed guards, lots of animosity.  It is a conflicted situation that is uneasy and not at all settled.
          In this situation ten lepers approach Jesus.  It is a mixed group.  Men and women perhaps?  Jews and Samaritans.  Young and old probably?   Their differences erased by their common affliction and misery.  Their identity was reduced to their disease.  Ten lepers.
          They shout, “Jesus, Master!  Have pity on us!” 
And Jesus does.  He tells them to “Go show yourselves to the priests” so that they can be declared healed and clean, and return to community.
          All ten are healed.  One returns.  And he is a Samaritan.  The one enemy is the one who returns to give thanks to God.  He is the only one to whom Jesus proclaims “Your faith has saved you.”  The heretic is the one with faith. 
          Wouldn’t you like to know what happened in this guy’s life after that?  Here is an opening for some speculation and midrash.  Did he follow Jesus?  Go back to Samaria?  Become a disciple?   Who knows?
          But this Gospel is about us.  How do we come to Jesus looking to be cleansed?  Cleansed of spiritual leprosy: of selfishness?  Of lies?  Of gossip and greed and lust and hard-heartedness?  Cleansed of fear so that we may truly be alive?
          Do we first of all have the wisdom and the courage to cry out, “Jesus, Master!  Have pity on us?”     That raises the question:  Is Jesus our Master?  And, do we recognize our need for healing? 
          The correct response to Jesus’ healing is gratitude.  Gratitude.
What are we as St. Austin Parish grateful for?  
- Anyone grateful for new bathrooms, nursery and new lobby area? 
- Anyone grateful for the Christmas Basket project that has been going on here for many years?
- And the for St. Vincent de Paul Society, and Thursday Outreach, which do such great but often quiet work through the WHOLE year, not just at the holidays??
- Anyone here grateful for our wonderful St Austin School, that not only does such a great job of preparing our children academically but even more importantly does a remarkable job of forming and developing our students’ morally and spiritually?
- How about the music ministries here, the lectors, ushers, eucharistic ministers, our deacons and the Paulists?  Anyone grateful for them?
- How about the phenomenal Kristallnact program we just had here, that was beautiful, touching, thought provoking, challenging, and so professionally done? 
          I am especially grateful for the Parish Pastoral Council, the Property Committee, the Finance Council, the School Advisory Board, the Development Committee, the Investment Committee, and many other boards and councils, and all the dedicated and talented people who generously share their time and talent in this plethora of endless meetings.  We can even be grateful for meetings!   AMEN?
Brothers and sisters, just like in the time of Jesus, we too are in a time of tension, of conflict, of animosity and disease.  But just like in the time of Jesus we also have much for which to give thanks.
          Our model is the Samaritan, who returned glorifying God in a loud voice, fell at the feet of Jesus and thanked Him.   Let us do the same.  AMEN. 

Tuesday, December 4, 2018

Fr. Chuck's Column, December 2, 2018

Welcome to Advent. Happy New (Liturgical) Year everyone.
This coming Saturday is the Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary. Mary, under the title of the Immaculate Conception, is the Patroness of the United States. On May 13, 1846, the Catholic bishops of the United States unanimously chose the Virgin Mary, conceived without sin, as the official patroness of our country. Pope Pius IX approved this decision on Feb. 7 of the following year and published it in a decree of July 2, 1847. Why the bishops in those days made this choice is unclear to me. Certainly, our nation was not conceived without sin, since racism and genocide of indigenous people played such a large part in the founding of our nation.
If it had been up to me, I think I may have chosen one of the Apostles, like Peter or Paul or Andrew as the Patron of our country. Someone who was bold and missionary and had a vision. That would fit the kind of pioneering spirit of our land, growing, expanding, pressing forward, and missionary. Or maybe Saint George, a warrior, slaying the dragon. But that probably was not a good choice because of King George of England, from whom our country broke away.
But the bishops, unanimously, chose Mary under the title of the Immaculate Conception. Perhaps this is a good choice after all. The point of the doctrine, at least as I understand it, was not so much what Mary lacked, which was original sin, but rather what she always had, or as the Angel Gabriel addressed her, “Full of Grace.” Mary had always been free from sin only because she was indeed Full of Grace, that is, of God’s love and life.
So maybe the Bishops in 1847 chose Mary under the title of the Immaculate Conception as the patroness of our country because our nation, unlike almost any other, did not come about because of a particular ethnic group, or particular tribe or culture or historic area, but rather as a choice, constructed by people consciously choosing to do so. Our nation was, in a sense, free to be what it wanted to be. It was conceived out of ideals, not out of geography nor history nor ethnic group.
As we celebrate this Holy Day later this week, it seems to me a blessed opportunity to pray for our nation. We need prayer for our country right now. We need to live up to the ideals on which our nation was founded. Our institutions are under much strain. The checks and balances that our founders enshrined to protect us from becoming a monarchy again are severely tested. We all need wisdom, guidance, and perseverance to ensure that our descendants will also enjoy the benefits of a democracy in a republic committed to our founding ideals. Perhaps the bishops in 1847 knew what they were doing after all.

Monday, November 26, 2018

Fr. Chuck's Column, November 25, 2018

First of all, a VERY BIG THANK YOU to all who helped last week to make our remembrance of Kristallnact such a MOVING and IMPORTANT event. The participation of the St. Austin School students, the parishioners, the visitors, was all so impressive. A very special thank you goes to Lynn Hayden and to her wonderful team who did such a great job. You are truly a blessing to this parish. Thank You!
This is the last week of the Liturgical Year. Next Sunday, Dec 2, is the First Sunday of Advent, and that marks the beginning of a new year of grace, a new liturgical year.
Advent has an aspect of yearning and longing, not just for Christmas to come, but more importantly for God’s Kingdom to come on earth. It begins in our hearts, and every one of us is able to make greater room for the Lord in our hearts during the holy season of Advent.
Advent has some of the best liturgical music. It is almost a shame Advent is less than a month long, since we hardly have an opportunity to use all the wonderful Advent music that exists. Advent is a great time to sing. If God has blessed you with musical talent and a good voice, then you can sing along with Fr. Rich. If not, then you can join me singing with enthusiasm and volume! Either way, God will be praised!
I wish you all a joyful and holy Advent. Come Lord Jesus! Maranatha!

Tuesday, November 20, 2018

Fr. Chuck's Column, November 18, 2018

This weekend we have our display and observance of Kristallnacht, and this Thursday we celebrate Thanksgiving. It is an interesting juxtaposition of these two events: one a sobering reminder of humanity’s inhumanity (and also the power to persevere and survive) and the other a reminder and call to gratitude and thankfulness. All in one week!
There is again, unfortunately, rising strife and dissention in our world today. We see it all over the globe, and we see it in our own homes. How many of us, as we gather at the table to celebrate Thanksgiving, will scrupulously avoid any mention of politics and pray silently that our relatives do likewise? We don’t want to spoil our family gathering with a political argument!
However, it is important that we embrace the truth. That is why we dredge up memories, terrible memories, of events like Kristallnacht, racial lynchings, gulags, the rape of Nanking, numerous genocides, and many other terrible blights on human history. We remember in order to strengthen our resolve to work so that these horrors will not be visited again on the human family.
This task is enormous and endless. We will fight this battle all of our lives. Where do we get strength to do this? Well, that is why we also celebrate Thanksgiving. Gratitude is a strength that helps us to not turn away from the unpleasantness of life but to keep working to heal it.
For Christians, Thanksgiving has special meaning. Eucharist comes from the Greek word meaning to give thanks. Our central ceremony, the mystery which binds us together as the Body of Christ and gives us hope, is at its root an act of giving thanks. Jesus at the Last Supper faced some pretty stark and ugly realities. He knew what would happen to Him, that His followers and friends would both desert and deny Him, that He would be unjustly condemned, tortured, and killed. And what He chose to do in that situation was an act of thanksgiving, of eucharist. That was certainly bold.
We draw our strength for the struggle, and it is no sham fight, from the Eucharist. It can empower us to forgive, to strive to understand those who differ with us, to proclaim the truth we see fearlessly but without shaming or putting down others. Eucharist is our strength.
I invite you to join us this Wednesday evening at 6 p.m. when we as St. Austin Catholic Parish celebrate Thanksgiving. All are welcome.

Sunday, November 18, 2018

Thirty-Third Sunday of Ordinary Time Cycle B November 18 2018

The fog comes 
on little cat feet. 

It sits looking 
over harbor and city 
on silent haunches 
and then moves on.

Anyone remember this poem from your high school English class?

          I mention this poem because, while we know that in fact the fog does not come on little cat feet, we also understand the point, and the truth, of what Carl Sandburg is communicating.
          Having lived in the San Francisco Bay area for eight years prior to coming to Austin, I know that Sandurg is absolutely correct.  The fog does come on little cat feet.
          The fog creeps, it stalks, it comes on little cat feet. 
          Just as we do not take the poem literally, but understand it to be true, so with today’s Gospel.  Do not read this Gospel passage like a text book.  Read it like you are reading a poem.  These are images and metaphors that convey an idea, a truth, that are not literal.
          Jesus said to his disciples, that is, to you and me, “In those days ….”   In those days.  What days?   Well, you can read this as a future prediction.  But that is not particularly relevant.  It has been nearly 2,000 years since Jesus originally said this, and it could easily be another 2,000 years before it happens.  So, it very well may not be particularly relevant to us.  I can barely keep up with what is going to happen this afternoon or tomorrow, much less next year, and certainly not a couple of millenia from now.
            But the other way to read this is very applicable to us here and now.  And that is to read this Gospel not as a future prediction, but rather as a poetic description of our current situation.
          Jesus tells us that “the sun will be darkened, and the moon will not give its light, and the stars will be falling from the sky, and the powers in the heaven will be shaken.”   In other words, this is upset and upheaval at the most basic and fundamental level.   If you watch the news headlines this passage can seem like a pretty accurate description of what we are living through.  Cosmic upheaval! 
          There is upset like we have seldom seen in politics.  It is crazy what is going on.  On the international scene there are wars, famines in several places, strife and upset in many different countries.  In society the whole basis of gender is in question.  People, especially young people, are becoming more isolated by electronic gadgets.  Certainly for the people of California who are in the terrible fires it must seem like the end of the world! 
          In our Church there are continuing, ongoing, revelations about sexual abuse, about cover ups, about scandals of various kinds, of bishops calling for Pope Francis to resign, of commentators speculating on the threat of a schism in the Church.
          It has gotten to the point that some people are dreading Thanksgiving dinner with their families because the conversation may veer into hot and contentious topics of politics or religion or social developments.   Am I right?
          It can seem that everything is falling apart and going to hell in a handbasket.  AMEN?
          That is what Jesus is talking about.

          What can we rely on?  Where is there a sure and firm anchor for us to invest our hopes and dreams?  Who can be counted on in this terrible time
of flux, of upset, of things falling apart, of the sun darkened, the moon no longer giving light, of the stars falling from the sky and the powers of heaven shaken??? //
          Jesus tells us what is secure.  “Heaven and earth will pass away, but my words will not pass away.” 
          That, and only that, is what you can ultimately rely on. 
          In the fog of this time in our society, our country, our world, our church, even often in our own families and lives, the secure base, the grounded rock on which we can rely, is Jesus and His word.  WHY?
Because Jesus has beaten the most disruptive force of all, which is death. 
          Everything dies, even the universe, but NOT the words of Jesus.  Jesus has conquered death, and His word endures.  Heaven and earth will pass away, but my words will not pass away.”
          That you can rely on.   AMEN. 

Tuesday, November 13, 2018

Fr. Chuck's Column, November 11, 2018

A Happy and Blessed Veteran’s Day to all veterans and those now serving in our armed forces. We appreciate all you do to protect and to defend our selves and our way of life.
On this holiday weekend I would like to reflect on the seldom discussed topic of philately, or in common parlance, stamp collecting. I began, as many did, collecting stamps when I was in grade school. One of the first stamps I remember, probably because it was the first I actually purchased as a collector, was an Austrian stamp featuring St. Michael the Archangel. As many Austrian stamps of the time, it was beautifully engraved. Indeed, it won the prize for the most beautiful stamp of the year from some organization of philatelists (stamp collectors). I have always been drawn to stamps that are engraved. They are so pretty, and look much richer and more noble than a lot of US stamps. For a while, I collected stamps from Austria, Vatican City, Czechoslovakia and then the Czech Republic. Due to cost and time constraints, I now only collect Czech stamps.
I am proud of the fact that I got the Boy Scout merit badge for stamp collecting. I was never a very good Scout, as I was never good at following orders. However, I was one of the few in the St. Louis Council who earned the stamp collecting merit badge. It was kind of quirky and distinctive being one of only two Scouts to earn that badge that year in my council, and I kind of liked that.
Later, as a new priest serving at St. Nicholas Church in North Pole, Alaska, I joined the local stamp collectors club. Being newly ordained, I was still adjusting to the role of priest and all the expectations people put on you with that. Quite by accident, I discovered that at the Philately Club I was not there as “FATHER” Chuck, but as a collector of Vatican City and Austrian stamps. I was not pegged in the role of “priest.” I have always thought that was very healthy for me to have another way of relating to others than just as a PRIEST. It takes a while to get comfortable with those expectations and people’s hang-ups and sometimes screwy ideas about priests. Having an outlet to be me in a different way was helpful for me, and I owe that to stamps.
Being a philatelist gives one a certain different outlook. I despise mail meter machines. While St. Austin School has one, I won’t allow one in the parish. You will know I am gone when you start receiving metered mail from St. Austin parish!
I like receiving mail, especially when it has actual, honest stamps on it. Stamps can be very pretty, can commemorate important events, can teach us history, geography, and many other lessons. While not so fashionable, it can be fun. And stamp collecting is one of the blessings I am grateful for in my life. God bless!

Fr. Chuck's Column, November 4, 2018

It is ALREADY November! Yipes! Time is flying by. Things have been very active at St. Austin Parish and School. A week ago we hosted a wonderful - indeed spectacular - Mission on Hope and Healing conducted by Fr. Steven Bell, CSP. The turnout was great, the preaching and message both timely and engaging, the refreshments and social time following was wonderful. A special thanks to the ladies of Christ Renews His Parish (CRHP), especially Josie Barrett and Ann Richburg, and all who helped for the wonderful job of organizing and promoting the Mission, putting together the refreshments and Q&A, and getting everything clean-up each night. It was a great event.
This past week our parish school had a wonderful Halloween Hoot on the blacktop. I would judge it to be the best one that I have seen yet. Thanks to the Knights of Columbus for again helping. And of course, we celebrated the Feasts of All Saints and then of All Souls, along with baptisms, weddings, confessions and Masses. It was all good.
This coming weekend, Nov. 10 and 11, we remember our veterans who struggled and sacrificed to protect our freedoms and our national culture of inclusion. While it is a holiday, it has great meaning that we should not overlook, but rather take time to reflect on and to honor.
Also next weekend there will be a new presentation from the Development Committee. This will simply be an update on progress in the decision about the development of our property. There have been many meetings and some progress, decisions, and accomplishments (e.g., hiring a lawyer). Mr. Christopher Kennedy, who miraculously is able to stay on top of all the details of this process, will give a presentation on where we are now and our next steps. This presentation will be given following every Mass next weekend. Please plan to take 15 minutes following Mass next weekend to get updated on the progress of a game-changing possibility for our parish and school.
Then the following week, Nov. 17 and 18, we will again have our interactive commemoration of Kristallnacht. That was the “night of the broken glass” when the Nazis in Germany began their systematic persecution of the Jews. UNFORTUNATELY, with the shooting of the 18 people in the Tree of Life Synagogue in Pittsburgh, PA, just last week, this commemoration is very timely. It is good that we host this program of remembrance and education, lest we forget. We still have a long way to go to ensure that the horror of genocide never happens again. Please join us in learning, remembering and honoring.
And watch the bulletin for news of other events and happenings here. God bless!

Sunday, November 11, 2018

Thirty Second Sunday in Ordinary Time Cycle B Nov 11, 2018

Thirty Second Sunday in Ordinary Time   Cycle B    Nov 11, 2018

          In the Gospel we just heard Jesus said to the crowds (and that includes you and me), “Beware of the scribes, …”    Beware of the scribes!   Just last Sunday in the Gospel Jesus praised the scribe who had asked Him about the most important commandment and then showed understanding when the scribe stated:  Well said, teacher.  You are right in saying, 'He is One and there is no other than he.'
And 'to love him with all your heart, with all your understanding,
with all your strength, and to love your neighbor as yourself'
is worth more than all burnt offerings and sacrifices."  
Good answer!
          So, we can see that some scribes were really good.  But Jesus warns us against a certain type of scribe, those scribes who like to go around in long robes and accept greetings in the marketplaces,
seats of honor in synagogues, and places of honor at banquets.”
          Why does Jesus warn us against them?  Because,They devour the houses of widows and, as a pretext recite lengthy prayers.“     Watch out for those lengthy prayers!
          Well, you may think, this is of some historical interest, but when is the last time you saw an actual scribe?  Especially one in a long robe mouthing lengthy prayers?  Could you even find a scribe today?  Probably not.  So are we then exempt from this solemn warning of The Lord?  Do we not have to pay any attention to this warning?  Do we not have to spend any energy and effort in truly being beware???
          I am afraid not.  Because the same sort of evil dynamic that operated in the Judaism of Jesus’ day, happens also in our own.  In fact, many scripture scholars believe that Mark includes this in his Gospel because it was also a problem in the early church.  And it is still a problem today.  Only instead of calling it the problem of the scribes, we call it clericalism.  Anybody here ever hear of clericalism?
          Beware of those priests and bishops and nuns and deacons who like to go around in long robes, in distinctive clerical or religious dress, or lots of lace and watered silk.  The kind of priest whose identity is invested in his roman collar.  Who like being called “Father”, “your Grace”, “Sister”, “Reverend”, “and accept greetings in the marketplaces, seats of honor in the churches, and places of honor at banquets.”    Beware!
          Clericalism is a real problem and a great danger in the church.  It is not I who say it, but Pope Francis, who stated this clearly in a letter to the faithful, that is, to all of us, on this past August 20. 
          In that letter to us, Pope Francis wrote: “It is impossible to think of … our activity as a Church that does not include the active participation of all the members of God’s People. Indeed, whenever we have tried to replace, or silence, or ignore, or reduce the People of God (that is you) to small elites, we end up creating communities, projects, theological approaches, spiritualities and structures without roots, without memory, without faces, without bodies and ultimately, without lives. This is clearly seen in a peculiar way of understanding the Church’s authority, one common in many communities where sexual abuse and the abuse of power and conscience have occurred. Such is the case with clericalism, an approach that “not only nullifies the character of Christians, but also tends to diminish and undervalue the baptismal grace that the Holy Spirit has placed in the heart of our people”.  Clericalism, whether fostered by priests themselves or by lay persons, leads to an excision in the ecclesial body that supports and helps to perpetuate many of the evils that we are condemning today. To say “no” to abuse is to say an emphatic “no” to all forms of clericalism.” 
 You can find the full letter on the Vatican web site.
          Some have tried to blame the horrible scourge of the clergy sexual abuse crisis in the church on the seminaries and poor education and preparation of the clergy.  Some, with a different agenda, have tried to put the blame on homosexuals in the church, which all the studies and experts have debunked.
          The Pope, and I believe he is following the Lord in today’s Gospel, places the root cause of this terrible tragedy on clericalism. 
          Natalia Imperatori-Lee, a professor of theology at Manhattan College. stated: “There is no doubt that clericalism is at the root of the abuse crisis. Clericalism is isolating and insular - it cuts off the ‘oxygen’ of genuine solidarity and sharing-of-life with laypeople by creating a separate class, even a separate caste, within the Church.”
“There are ways in which clericalism hurts everyone,” she said: “The laity is victimized and infantilized; the clergy are isolated and expected to be superhuman.”
          So the warning that Jesus gives us in today’s Gospel is very real and still very timely.  Beware of the scribes, those who promote a culture of clericalism, who like to go around in long robes and accept greetings in the marketplaces, seats of honor in synagogues, and places of honor at banquets.”
          Having been warned by The Lord and by the Pope, what should we do? 
We all need first of all to recognize that our primary identity, who we most truly are, is children of God.  Not laity.  Not clergy.  Not even Catholics, but children of God.  We are loved by God.  That is what ultimately, and permanently, gives us our worth. 
          Each of us, correspondingly, is responsible to God.  We cannot delegate nor transfer to another our responsibility to be God’s holy people.  We must each interiorize that identity and make it our own.
          We must not put the professional religious types, like bishops and priests and deacons and nuns, on some sort of psychological pedestal in order to escape the obligation everyone of us has to seek true holiness.  We cannot delegate holiness to the priest, make him some kind of different kind of being so that we do not have to figure out the messy business of being holy.  In the Gospel today it is not the professional religious person, the scribe, but rather the poor widow, who is praised by Jesus for genuine holiness. 
          Looking at people this way, through the eyes of the Lord, is revolutionary.  It is different than the way of the world.  We are not to be fooled by long robes and fancy titles and unusual clothing, and most certainly not by the recitation of lengthy prayers.   AMEN? 
          Rather we are to seek genuine faith and generosity and love, as the Lord does.  And it is these things that really matter in the Kingdom of God. 

Tuesday, October 30, 2018

Fr. Chuck's Column, October 28, 2018

I come to you, as your Pastor, again with a heavy heart. I am seeking to do what I can to foster as much transparency, appropriate    response and healing as possible in the St. Austin community. And it is in that spirit, I want to share information related to our parish history.
Fr. Bob Michele, CSP, is a Paulist priest who was in residence here at St. Austin for 20 years, from September 1991 until September 2011, when he moved to a nursing home in Mount Angel, OR. During his time here he worked as a hospital chaplain and spiritual director. He is currently in poor health.
Very recently, I learned that Fr Michele was accused of becoming sexually involved with a teenage girl from 1964 to 1969, while he was stationed in Portland, OR. The reason that I now became aware of this is that a second accusation against Fr Michele, again inappropriate involvement with a teenage girl in Portland, OR, was recently made by a very credible victim.
I know of no accusations or incidents involving Fr. Bob Michele that occurred here in Austin, Texas. But out of concern for any potential victims, I share this with you. I pray that if there are any victims of Fr. Michele’s inappropriate actions in Austin, that they will be motivated to seek help and assistance.
If you have information about any inappropriate contact with Fr. Bob Michele, or about anyone else, or any other area of concern, please contact Ms. Emily Hurlimann at the Diocese of Austin’s Office of Ethics and Integrity in Ministry at 512-949-2447. We publish her number every week in the bulletin. OR you can call Fr. John Behnke, the Vice-President of the Paulist Fathers at 212-757-8072 ext. 229. OR you can call me, Fr. Chuck Kullmann, at 512-477 -9471 ext. 328 or email me at
Let us pray there are no victims of inappropriate or criminal acts by Fr. Bob Michele or by anyone here in Austin. But if there are, let us move quickly to do whatever we can to promote healing and justice. Please keep us all in your prayers.

Fr. Chuck's Column, October 21, 2018

Our neighborhood is changing. In the eight years I have been here, there has always been change, but recently the pace of change seems to be increasing. The McDonald’s south of our school is gone, and the enormous hole in the ground that took its place is now also gone as we see the beginnings of a 15-story building rise out of the ground.
One of the most significant changes in the last couple of years has been the mushrooming of student dorms to the west and north of our church. Hundreds and hundreds of student quarters have been opened in large high-rise buildings in our area. I have heard that 3,000 student beds have been lost on Riverside, as the City of Austin and the University of Texas work to concentrate the students closer to the University. The City of Austin wants to reduce the congestion of commuting by car or bus, and the University believes that students, especially first year students, who live within a mile of the University, do better academically. So there are powerful forces pushing the development of West Campus into student housing. The results are obvious.
What does that mean for us? Well, we are already seeing greatly increased foot traffic on 21st Street and streets to the north of us. Unfortunately, these bright university students somehow seem to lose their intelligence when it comes to safely crossing streets. The flow of students can be constant, going on for some time, and very often students seem blissfully unaware of motorized traffic and traffic signals. And young people on scooters not infrequently seem oblivious to pedestrians, bicyclists, and automobile traffic. It is a situation fraught with danger as well as frustration. I am surprised there are not more accidents. Near misses seem common.
It seems to me that it will be necessary to install traffic lights with walk signals at many of the corners in West Campus. Otherwise, there will be increasing frustration and certainly accidents. I just hope something is done before someone is hurt or killed.
Beyond the increased pedestrian traffic, all of these dorms located together will also change the character of the neighborhood and no doubt impact the nature of our ministry here at St. Austin Parish. Will students walk another two and a half blocks past St. Austin Church to attend the University Catholic Center or begin attending St. Austin Church? Programing for undergraduates is located, as it should be, at the Catholic Center. Nevertheless, we are not going to turn anyone away.
How will the immediate presence of thousands of university students affect our neighborhood? Will it be quieter, cleaner, neater, more calm and sedate? I doubt it. We will have to wait and see. I am sure whatever changes are coming, we will rise to address them, and perhaps add a new chapter to the story of St. Austin Catholic Parish.
God bless!