Tuesday, May 28, 2019

Fr. Chuck's Column, May 26, 2019

There is much going on around here this week. This weekend is Commencement weekend at UT. Congratulations to ALL graduates, from grade school, high school, vocational and technical school, from college and university! Kudos on your accomplishment.
Graduation seems to be a part of life. It represents moving on to the next phase of our life and career. Eventually we all “graduate” from this life to the next life. Hopefully we have learned our lessons well here on Earth and will graduate Suma Cum Laude into the next state of being. May we all be Valedictorians in the graduation to eternal life!
And while on the subject of the hereafter, this Monday we also observe and celebrate Memorial Day. This is the day we recall and honor those who gave their lives in the defense of our country. I invite you to join us on Monday morning for Mass at 8 a.m. It is a day not just to remember but to be inspired by their example of heroic sacrifice and to renew and strengthen our commitment to our wonderful nation and the ideals for which it stands. The forces working against the good of our nation are many, strong, and complex, both inside and outside of our country. We need to be more committed to working and sacrificing to protect what our nation stands for, with liberty and justice for ALL.
Thursday is the non-observance of Ascension Thursday. Here in Texas, as in most of the United States, the observance of this Feast is moved to the following Sunday. But in some dioceses, mostly in the northeast, Jesus still ascends on Thursday. So if you are travelling it is possible to celebrate the Ascension twice, both on Thursday in some dioceses and on Sunday in other dioceses. We will celebrate this Feast on next Sunday, June 2.
God bless!

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