Thursday, January 14, 2021

Fr. Chuck's Column, January 17, 2021


Years ago as a young man I very much enjoyed watching the Cosmos series on TV with Prof. Carl Sagan. He had an axiom which I think is very applicable today: “extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence.”

Recently there have been many claims going around regarding massive fraud in the recent national election. This is, by any stretch of the imagination, a most extraordinary claim. It strikes at the very heart of our democracy. Such a claim, I believe, requires extraordinary evidence.

But I have seen no such evidence. Neither have any judges seen any such evidence in numerous court cases filed about the election results, nor have any of the state authorities charged with guaranteeing the integrity of the election in several states where there have been re-counts, found any evidence for these extraordinary claims.

Just as freedom of speech does not permit you to shout “Fire!” in a crowded auditorium where there is in fact no fire, so making repeated claims of election fraud that are not backed by solid and demonstrable evidence (hearsay, rumor, anonymous reports are NOT evidence) is IRRESPONSIBLE, DANGEROUS, and WRONG!

We enjoy the great right of freedom of speech in this country. But that does not guarantee that everything that enters our mind should be spoken out loud. To do that is just plain stupid.

We are in a difficult and dangerous time in our country. All of us have a sacred responsibility to promote and defend the truth. Do not say whatever comes into you mind. Do not retweet or pass on electronically something that is simply interesting and provocative. Weigh what you think before you open your mouth. And do not listen to those who make extraordinary claims with little or no evidence other than their emotions and feelings.

We need to be vigilant in protection of the truth. On the first floor of the UT Tower are the words from the Gospel of John: “You will know the Truth and the Truth will set you free.” (John 8:32) The truth is too great of a treasure to make light of it. Speak the truth. It is the way forward. And please remember, “extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence.”


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