Thursday, August 16, 2012

Rev. Robert Titus Scott, CSP Month’s Mind Memorial Mass Thursday, August 16, 2012

[This is the homily as best as I remember giving it.  It may not be exactly word-for-word, but it does contain the general drift of the homily.   Fr Chuck Kullmann, CSP]

Good evening.  My name is Fr Chuck Kullmann, and on behalf of all the Paulists I want to thank you most sincerely for coming out this evening to honor Fr. Bob Scott.

I want to tell you about FIVE loves of Fr. Bob Scott. 

First of all, Fr. Bob LOVED being a Paulist.  His Paulist identity and vocation were very important to him.  He was proud of being a Paulist.  He loved singing the Paulist anthem, “Lead Us Great Teacher Paul.”  The Paulist Associates here know this as the “Paulist fight song”.  It is on the front of your worship aide and we will sing it tonight.  Fr Bob loved being a Paulist.

Fr. Bob LOVED being a priest.  He loved saying Mass and preaching.  He loved being with people at important junctures in their lives for Baptisms, Weddings, Anniversaries, even Reconciliation and Funerals.  Fr Bob loved being a priest.

Fr. Bob LOVED being a Catholic.  He was proud of and loved his faith.  His greatest joy was to share that faith with others.  Nothing else made his as happy.  I am sure that many of you here had Fr Bob witness to you about the faith, try to talk you into becoming Catholic, instructed you to become Catholic or celebrated your becoming Catholic.  Fr. Bob loved being a Catholic.

Fr. Bob LOVED life. He lived life fully, with total engagement.  He loved sports, singing, being with people, laughing.  Fr. Bob loved life.

And Fr. Bob LOVED God.  One thing we can be pretty sure of is that he is now in love with God - Father, Son and Holy Spirit – far more deeply and intensely than he has ever been before.

Now we have gathered this evening to remember Fr. Bob Scott, and to pray that God will be good to this fine man, and finally to honor him.  Well the best way that we can honor Fr. Bob is to love our life more fully and to love God.  That is how we can truly honor him.  To love our life fully and to love God more is the best memorial for Fr. Bob. 


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