On Last Sunday,
April 27, two new Saints were canonized, Popes John XXII and John Paul II. Last
week I wrote about Good Pope John, and this week I want to look at Pope John
Paul II. He reigned as Pope for a long time (the 2nd longest in
history!), and many people call him “The Great” in recognition of his many
John Paul II is often credited with helping move forward the collapse of the
Soviet Union and Communism. Being the first Pope from Poland, this was an issue
that John Paul II new intimately, and it was of course a great concern to him.
the malaise that settled onto the Papacy after the disastrous reception (or
non-reception) of Pope Paul VI’s Encyclical Humanae
Vitae, and Pope Paul’s declining health and energy, the dynamism and energy
of Pope John Paul II’s personality, so engaging, so athletic, so expressive and
dramatic, restored the image of the papacy greatly. He had charisma!
Paul II had been an actor, and in his papacy he used those skills to very good
effect. I remember when he came to Columbia, SC to meet with ecumenical
representatives of other Christian bodies. First he came out of the building
where they were meeting and spoke to the crowd gathered there, mostly students
from the Univ. of South Carolina at Columbia. The Pope read his short speech in
his labored English and everyone applauded politely. Then he put down his
speech, looked at the university students and said, “It is good to be young.” All
the students applauded. Then he said, “It is good to be young and be a student
of the University.” And the students applauded more enthusiastically. Finally
he said, “It is good to be young and be a student of the University of South
Carolina!” The crowd went wild. In just three short sentences, Pope John Paul
II had them in the palm of his hand. He was a master at working a crowd.
Paul II took the papacy all over the world on his many trips. This gave the
Pope great publicity and opportunities to speak to world affairs. However, some
feel that he did not such a good job of keeping track of what was going on back
in the Vatican and that many of the problems and embarrassments that surfaced
under the time of Pope Benedict XVI were really planted by insufficient control
over the curia during the time of John Paul II, being that he was often away
and then the long process of his dying.
John Paul II responded quickly to the problem of clergy sexual abuse that broke
in the United States once it became a major problem in early 2002. But he
seemed to offer contradictory messages, for example making Cardinal Bernard Law
Archpriest of the Basilica of Santa Maria Magiore in Rome in 2004, after Law
had resigned as Archbishop of Boston in 2002 over his handling of the sex abuse
crisis. There was also the close relationship of Pope John Paul II with Rev. Marcial
Maciel, founder of the Legion of Christ. In spite of growing accusations
against Maciel of bribery and sexual abuse of seminarians, of fathering
children by two different women, and other crimes, John Paul remained friendly
and supportive of Maciel. It is unclear how much Pope John Paul II actually
knew of all this, or how much he wanted to know. Maciel was producing many
ordinations in his new order, which greatly pleased John Paul II. As soon as
Cardinal Ratzinger became Pope Benedict XVI, one of the first things he did was
remove Maciel from head of the Legionnaires of Christ and send him to a
monastery. This led many to speculate that he was held back from doing so during
John Paul II’s papacy.
in his desire for Catholicism to show a united and robust face to the world, Pope
John Paul II allowed no discussion within or from the church on several
controversial topics, such as ordination of married men, artificial birth
control, and the ordination of women. While this tactic kept the Church
together in the short run, I fear that the lack of open discussion in the
Church will serve us ill in the long run. Prohibiting open discussion does not
make the issue go away—it only makes us weaker in confronting it and certainly
in convincing others of our position.
for me, the very long reign of Pope John Paul II is a mixed bag, but in the
judgment of the Church, he was certainly a holy man, and is now a canonized
Saint. May he pray for us!
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