“The kingdom of heaven is like a treasure buried in a
which a person finds and hides again,
and out of joy goes and sells all that he has and buys that field.’
and out of joy goes and sells all that he has and buys that field.’
After extensive investigation and exhaustive
research – mostly in my imagination – I discovered that the person mentioned in
today’s Gospel was not the
first person to discover the treasure buried in that field.
It seems the first person to find this
buried treasure was a guy named Zigon.
Zigon hid it again, realizing the treasure could be his if he bought the
field. But Zigon was rather timid. To buy the field he would have to sell
everything he had: his iphone, all his investments, his fancy coffee maker to
which he was very attached, and so on.
Everything would have to go and that was taking a huge risk. What if the treasure turned out to be
fake? What about the tax
implications? What if someone stronger stole
it from him? In addition to being timid,
Zigon was also kind of lazy. And to fill
in all the paperwork to cash in his life insurance , and then to hold a garage
sale, and then complete the purchase of the field all seemed, not only daunting
but overwhelming to Zigon. And so
instead of doing anything about it, he thought and fretted about it.
Meanwhile, Hyacinth found the treasure
in the field. She too realized if she
bought the field she would be fabulously wealthy and set for life. She hid the treasure again and began planning
her approach. But the field was
expensive. She would have to sell everything
in order to get it. She did not have any
problem selling her bowling ball which she had not used for years. But she hesitated when she came to her prized
collection of troll dolls. And she
completely waffled when it came to selling her favorite little black dress,
with all its memories. And because she
could not bring herself to sell all that stuff, Hyacinth never was able to
raise enough money to buy the field and get the treasure. She was too attached to the less valuable
stuff she already had.
Finally, Priscilla found that treasure
in the Gospel. Priscilla was not timid nor
lazy, nor was she owned by the stuff she owned.
Quickly Priscilla cashed in her investments, life insurance and her
retirement plan. She sold her car, her
condominium, the Barry Manalow tapes her mother had left her, the souvenirs she
picked up on a trip to Mexico, her furniture, most of her wardrobe, everything.
It was
not easy but she kept her eyes on the prize and with joy sold all that
stuff. It gave her a joyful sense of
freedom. Finally she had enough to buy
that field. She got the treasure and was
very wealthy.
But that is not all. It turns out that field was in West Texas,
and six weekss after she purchased it, oil was discovered on Priscilla’s field,
and of course she had the mineral rights, and she became fabulously
Now you know the full story.
point of the Gospel parable is not that the Kingdom of Heaven is like a
treasure. That is pretty obvious. The point is that the Kingdom of Heaven
requires an absolute commitment.
believe that the field spoken of in the parable is not in West Texas, nor in
Palestine, but rather inside us. That
field is your own heart. That is where
the treasure of the Kingdom of God is buried.
And you have to go search for it, to find out Who is your King, Who you
belong to, Who loves you into being, Who loves you completely.
a lot of stuff gets in the way of truly possessing that treasure: stuff like
fear and greed and laziness and hate and lust and pride. We have to stop clinging to all that stuff,
let it all go, to open ourselves to gaining the true treasure, which is the
Kingdom of God. Or to put it another way
to make God King of my life.
requires work, and persistence, and dedication.
But it also brings freedom and joy.
We have to find that treasure of God’s love for me and for you, and then
we must get rid of everything that stands in the way, that distracts, that
prevents us from having that treasure fully.
treasure is not hard to find. Jesus has
shown us the way. God the Father was
truly King in Jesus’ life. Jesus’ Spirit
strengthens and leads us in the correct way to the treasure. We have to do our part of allowing the Holy
Spirit to work in us and tp be ruthless in getting rid of all that keeps us
from gaining that treasure.
treasure hunting!
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