Monday, October 24, 2016

Fr. Chuck's Column, September 18, 2016

This past Sunday Fr. Al Moser, CSP went to his heavenly reward. He was less than a month shy of his 93rd birthday.  Some of the long time parishioners may remember Fr. Al from when he was the Director of the “Newman Apostolate” (as the University Catholic Center was then called) from 1972 through 1978.

Also this past week Ms. Edith Mary Balusek went to be with the Lord. She was 94 years old. She had been a faithful and generous parishioner for five decades. She was the St. Austin sacristan, doing all the altar linens, washing and ironing and mending them, and doing many other things to make the church beautiful. She also made the church community beautiful by her positive and sweet and friendly demeanor. She enjoyed helping. She was a fixture here and now will be missed.

 While we have lost two pillars of the ministry here at St. Austin and the University Catholic Center, we have gained advocates for us in heaven. I think the register of St. Austin and UCC members in glory must be getting rather long!

All this speaks of the great debt we owe to the generations of generous and committed Catholics in our parish who have gone before us. They left us not just a physical plant and resources, but a wonderful legacy of faith, service, and generosity.

This is a legacy to be proud of and also a legacy to imitate. By generosity and cheerful service, and striving to live more fully the life of Christ in our own life, we will also faithfully pass on this positive legacy to generations yet unborn.

Every one of us at St. Austin is a thread in a great tapestry that is still being woven, a tapestry that bears the image of Christ in service, in celebration, in faith. The weaver is the Holy Spirit, and we are all spiritually connect to each other in real but unseen ways.  

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