In our Gospel today we are told: “At that time Jesus was led by the Spirit into
the desert to be tempted by the devil. He
fasted for forty days and forty nights, and afterwards he was hungry.”
of course Jesus was hungry. But for WHAT
was Jesus hungry?
For what did Jesus hunger?
For food? That is what the devil
thought. And so the tempter tempts Jesus
to turn stones into bread in order to satisfy His hunger. But the tempter has misread the
situation. Jesus is indeed hungry for
bread, but after 40 days of prayer and communion with this Father in Heaven,
Jesus is much more hungry for union with God, for God’s Will to be done, than Jesus
is for physical food. And so it is
entirely understandable that Jesus responds “One does not live on bread alone, but on every word that comes forth
from the mouth of God.” Jesus
hungers for union with God.
In two weeks
we will hear the Gospel of John about Jesus’ meeting and interaction with the
Samaritan woman at the well. Jesus is
thirsty and says to the woman, “Give me a
drink.” But it is clear that it is
not physical water that Jesus seeks, but rather the faith of the woman. Jesus thirsts for her response in faith. That is what really motivates Jesus.
Lent is about
hunger and thirst. But not only, or even
primarily, about physical hunger and thirst.
Lent is really about hungering and thirsting for God, for God’s Will to
be done, for holiness, for union with God.
As the 42nd
Psalm beautifully puts it: “As the deer longs for streams
of water, so my soul longs for you, O God.
My soul thirsts for God, the living God.”
Lent is a time of hunger and of thirst. The important question is, “what are you
hungering for? For what do you
thirst?” Do you thirst for the living
In Lent we try
to let go of our thirsts and hungers for food, for fame, for importance, for
power, for domination, for greed, for pleasure, for me, me, me. Instead we try to open ourselves to
thirsting and hungering for righteousness, for justice, for compassion, for
humility, for chastity, for honesty, for holiness, for forgiveness, for GOD. Fasting is about re-orienting our wants and
our desires, our longings and hunger and thirst. We are called to hunger for God’s Will in our
Lent is about
getting our thirsts and hungers right.
As the Most Interesting Man in the World tells us on the commercials,
“Stay thirsty my friend.”
This Lent,
stay thirsty and hungry for God’s Will in your life. May you sing with the Psalmist: “As the deer longs
for streams of water,
so my soul longs
for you, O God. My soul thirsts for God,
the living God.”
Blessed Lent!
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