Tuesday, December 19, 2017

Fr. Chuck's Column, December 17, 2017

Oh my God! It is almost Christmas! Where did the time go?  
Anyway, it is time for CHRISTMAS PRESENTS!!! And I am hoping for, and our construction crews are trying to make happen, some presents for our parish family.
With any luck, by Christmas Eve we will have the lighting of the rose window facing Guadalupe Street. Look for it to be lit after dark. It is a pretty window, and I think, when it is lit, it will give us more presence on the Drag and help our building to look more like a church. Merry Christmas!
The metal sconces on the front of the church will be in and lit. They are beautiful! One represents St. Paul the Apostle–patron of the Paulist Fathers–and the other represents St. Augustine of Canterbury–patron of our parish. These beautiful additions to our façade were made by artist Lars Stanley of Stanley Studio here in Austin and are genuine works of art. 
Finally, we will have the new back door, and just in time as the current one is ready to fall apart! This beautiful and noble door proclaims that this is the entrance to a church, not the back door to a warehouse or factory. In fact, this door will now be so attractive that “back” door is no longer suitable name for this entrance. Therefore I ask you to please begin referring to this entrance as the “Deacon’s Door,” since this is where our deacons exit after Mass to greet people leaving Mass. 
Next Sun., Dec. 24, will be hectic. Nonetheless, I plan that after the 5 p.m. Mass on Sat., Dec. 23, and after the 7:30, 8:45, and 11:30 a.m. Masses on Sun., Dec. 24, we will have a formal Blessing of the new door. This is the official Order of Blessing of New Church Doors from the Book of Blessing. It should take about 4 or 5 minutes. So plan to stay for the blessing.

Thanks to all our generous donors and all who have worked so hard to make the renovation of our church building such a success. We look forward to a formal blessing and dedication of the entire renovation project on Sun., May 27, which is the Feast of St. Augustine of Canterbury.   

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