Tuesday, March 27, 2018

Homily FIFTH SUNDAY OF LENT Cycle B March 18, 2018

Homily    FIFTH SUNDAY OF LENT   Cycle B        March 18, 2018

          I would like to talk to you today about GLORY.  Because glory is such a major theme in the Gospel of John, which we are now focusing on as we approach Holy Week.  We hear today from John’s Gospel, and we will hear John’s Passion Narrative on Good Friday, as we do each year.
          What do you think of when you think of ‘glory’
          I have thought about this and asked several people what they think of when they hear the word “glory”.  Most of the time the responses are about light:  starbursts, bright light, sunrise.  I think of gorgeous, big sky Texas sunsets with orange and pink clouds, or the sun shining through our church windows on a sunny day, blazing with glory.   That is pretty glorious.  I think of the redbud trees now fully in bloom blazing pinkish purple in the sun.  Or the mockingbird singing his heart out.  Glory! 
          One person told me they see glory when they see a new baby, full of life, of potential, of possibilities.   That is very close to the kind of glory that St John talks about in the opening of his Gospel when he says, “And we have seen his glory, the glory of an only Son, coming from the Father, full of grace and truth.”  (Jn 1:14). 
          This is not the glory of a rock star or movie actor.   It is not fame.  Glory is both deeper and more perduring than fame.  And glory is an important theme in the Gospel of St. John.  In our Gospel today Jesus prays: “Father, glorify your name."
Then a voice came from heaven, 
"I have glorified it and will glorify it again."
           Jesus covers Himself in glory when He obeys, that is, is in harmony of will and purpose, with His Father.   Jesus covers Himself with glory when He conquers sin and death.  Easter is the celebration of GLORY. 
          More to the point, Jesus offers us a share in His glory by our being joined to Him.  We can begin to live His life now.  And we share in His glory when we are faithful, when we forgive, when we resist evil, when we do
good, when we speak the truth in difficult situations, when we care the for sick, the poor, the lonely.  The Saints show us in concrete situations the way to glory.  You are called to glory.  Amazing!
          Jesus’ glory is not passing, not fading.  By sharing in Jesus’ glory we come to the fullness of our potential, we come to fully be the Children of God.  And that is truly GLORIOUS!

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