Monday, June 29, 2020

Fr. Chuck's Column, June 14, 2020

Today we celebrate the Solemnity of The Most
Holy Body and Blood of Christ. This title is quite
a mouthful, its older and simpler name, “Corpus
Christi,” is used more often. While we celebrate
this precious Sacrament, the odd reality is that
most will NOT receive the Body and Blood of
Christ on the feast, but will instead make a Spiritual
To be honest, I find the whole idea of Spiritual Communion to be
better than nothing, but it is not the desirable option. For many
years prior to Vatican Council II, Holy Communion was received
only rarely. With the requirement to fast from both food and water
from midnight until Holy Communion, many were discouraged
from receiving frequently. Fainting was much more common
in churches in those days, as were early morning Masses.
Often people thought they needed to go to Confession each time
before receiving Holy Communion. It was all very different.
The rules on fasting have changed, and for decades Catholics
have been urged to come to Holy Communion. Sitting in the pew
as I occasionally do, watching the line of people going up to receive
the Body and Blood or Christ, is a beautiful thing. Those
who are Eucharistic Ministers know how moving it is to see all
those people joining in the parade to Communion.
Unfortunately, even before the pandemic, many Catholic communities
around the world were able to receive Holy Communion
only a few times a year. The shortage of priests in many areas
made it impossible to celebrate the Eucharist on a regular basis.
What we are now experiencing has been far too long the experience
of many Catholics. Now we experience this, and we know it
is time for a change.
I hope that we soon will all be able to worship together in person,
and be able to receive both the sacramental Body and Blood of
Christ. That will be a happy day. Meanwhile we pray, asking for
relief from this pandemic, and the wisdom to learn the lessons of
this unusual and trying time.

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