Since we are at
the beginning of the year I think it would be good to stir up some controversy.
It is the surest cure for boredom. The easiest way to do that, which holds true
for all of us, is to talk about something I really don’t know much about. But
as in the case of many a commentator, lack of knowledge of a subject is really
no restriction on having an opinion on that subject. Indeed, understanding of a
complex subject and firm opinions on a subject usually are in inverse
proportion to each other.
In any case it
was widely and erroneously reported that Pope Francis declared all dogs go to
heaven. That never happened. That lack of factual occurrence did not of course
stop a blitz in the news. Just about anything about Pope Francis gets a blitz
in the news anyway! However, there was another Pope, Pope Paul VI, who did in
fact tell a boy who was very sad over the death of his pet dog that the boy
would see his dog again in heaven. But that was a while ago and so not news
However this
false news report got a lot of attention and has raised the issue of having and
enjoying our pets in paradise. And so I would like to share what I think about
The Scriptural
basis for expecting to see your pets in heaven comes from St. Paul. In the
eighth chapter of his letter to the Romans St. Paul states: “For creation waits with eager longing for
the revealing of the children of God; for the creation was subjected to
futility, not of its own will but by the will of the one who subjected it, in
hope that the creation itself will be set free from its bondage to decay and
will obtain the freedom of the glory of the children of God.” In this wonderful passage St Paul
expresses a profound hope for the redemption of all creation. Not only is this
a great Scripture quote for all environmentalists, it also is positive for all
pet lovers. For since pets are part of creation, ergo in St. Paul’s view, they
are also awaiting “redemption.”
So do all dogs
go to heaven? I am hesitant to say that. We cannot say for sure that all humans
go to heaven, so I am reluctant to claim that privilege for dogs. My personal
view is that many dogs do go to heaven. Certainly service dogs, working dogs,
rescue dogs, police dogs, hunting dogs and watch dogs: all canines that served
loyally on earth. Also all the dogs that are faithful friends and companions
are certainly in heaven. In short the great majority of dogs go to heaven. However
it is questionable that dogs that chew up cell-phone, tv-remotes, and other
electronics are heaven bound. Also, I am quite skeptical that yappy, nervous
little dogs that bark incessantly will make it. I cannot see how heaven would
be paradise with such yappy annoying creatures running around.
Cats, in my
opinion, are more problematic. Certainly some cats go to heaven, but only after
a period in purgatory atoning for their indifference and lack of concern for
Most birds go to
heaven. Grackles do not.
Goldfish mostly
go to limbo, where they are perfectly happy in a natural state. Indeed that is
pretty much the state they are in on earth, swimming around in a bowl, and they
mostly don’t notice any change or difference between the states of being alive
and being deceased. In either case existence is pretty simple.
Snakes, with
their unfortunate association with the third chapter of the Book of Genesis,
would seem to have a very slim chance of slithering into heaven, though we
should not be too anxious to limit the mercy of the Almighty.
About gerbils,
pot-bellied pigs, mice, skunks, ferrets, turtles and other exotic pets I have
no hard and fast opinions. In cases such as this I think it best to adopt a
“wait and see” attitude. Some day we will know for sure one way or the other.
None of this is,
of course, doctrine. It is rather my theological reflections on this issue. Perhaps
you see it differently. I can think of no better way to begin the New Year than
with a juicy theological discussion!
God bless,
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